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The Entitled - (New Movie) Nora Okonkwo, Ornella Opah, Bobby Ekpe, Emeka Darlington

The Entitled - (New Movie) Nora Okonkwo, Ornella Opah, Bobby Ekpe, Emeka Darlington

< 02:15:18 > |

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A Sire Nation Production. The Entitled @Sire Nation TV CAST: @emekadarlington @noraokonkwo@bobbyekpe @ornellaopah @queen_treasure4u CREW Executive Producer: @franksireofficial Producer: @metis_blacky Director @nerxie Production manager: @celebritypm_ D.O.P @Reubenadajinr... Read more

A Sire Nation Production. The Entitled @Sire Nation TV CAST: @emekadarlington @noraokonkwo@bobbyekpe @ornellaopah @queen_treasure4u CREW Executive Producer: @franksireofficial Producer: @metis_blacky Director @nerxie Production manager: @celebritypm_ D.O.P @Reubenadajinr 2nd Unit: @metis_blacky Cam tech 2: Godwin Friday Gaffer: @citiboyfilms. BTS @mentorshotz Makeup @id perfect look Costume: @Favour3682 Set/props: @elinobealfire DIT: @isreal_adedolapo Camera assistant 1: @od_godson Assistant director/script supervisor: @its_anneivy Sound: oluwajsoundit Production assistant: @Ajaygram7 Production assistant: @Dani.p

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