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🌹 Rich man finds the right woman but ignores she was a former pr0stit*te - Lastest Nollywood Movie

🌹 Rich man finds the right woman but ignores she was a former pr0stit*te - Lastest Nollywood Movie

< 01:37:21 > |

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Lape (played by Chika Ike) is a prostitute who was molested by her stepfather and step brother. So, she has become a wary loud-mouthed woman who does not trust... Read more

Category: Romantic Movies...

Lape (played by Chika Ike) is a prostitute who was molested by her stepfather and step brother. So, she has become a wary loud-mouthed woman who does not trust men and does not hesitate to use her fists against them if she has to. Then, when an ordinary middle-class man picks up her from the side of the road and she spends a night of sex with him, she finds herself feeling confused over his steadily growing stubborn attachment towards her. Was it sex or is it romance after all? Cast : Chika Ike, Anthony Monjaro, Lilian Afegbani

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