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Hard Decision - Part 2 | Latest Cameroonian Drama

Hard Decision - Part 2 | Latest Cameroonian Drama

< 00:58:06 > |

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Besumbu a young university student has just lost her father, life is becoming very difficult with the seizure of her father's estate by the uncles. With nothing left to... Read more

Category: Romantic Movies...

Besumbu a young university student has just lost her father, life is becoming very difficult with the seizure of her father's estate by the uncles. With nothing left to do Besumbu had to drop out from school to look for a job to carter for her mother. Two women who were great friends to the family were helping financially each with the notion that her son will eventually graduate from school and come back to marry Besumbu. Curiously enough these boys are very good friends and when the idea was introduced to them by their mothers, they loved the idea. How will Besumbu come out of this dilemma, these two women have been helping her and the mother since they lost their dad and husband. Who will she disappoint? Find out as you watch this movie "Hard Decision"

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