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BETTER LEAF NGE Films, Best Cameroon movies 2022

BETTER LEAF NGE Films, Best Cameroon movies 2022

< 00:12:34 > |

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In a home of 4 siblings (Asong, Muna, Yésu and Malik), Asong, a little boy and the youngest finds himself capable of healing his sick brother Malik (the eldest)... Read more

Category: Movies from 2022, New Movies...

In a home of 4 siblings (Asong, Muna, Yésu and Malik), Asong, a little boy and the youngest finds himself capable of healing his sick brother Malik (the eldest) after reading about a plant (the one he uses) in a usual plant book. In the book, he found the secret of the plant that he believes can heal his brother Malik whereas Yésu and Muna his older siblings aside from being helpless in the situation, doubt his capability of doing anything helpful to revive Malik. But in the final analysis, Asong sets out of braveness, finds, steals away the plant he read of and runs off to safe his sick brother. And just a sip of his mixture is one call away to his healing. Music in the background from

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