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Salvation By Works (Christian Film) CAMEROONIAN movie 2015

Salvation By Works (Christian Film) CAMEROONIAN movie 2015

< 00:34:54 > |

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This is a story of a man who was very rich and was an active member in church. While in church, he was very open to the Christians by helping... Read more

Category: Comedy Movies, Movies from 2015...

This is a story of a man who was very rich and was an active member in church. While in church, he was very open to the Christians by helping them with their problems and even sponsors some church members to seminaries and most of all carry out the church projects alone. Though he was very generous and kind, he was a sinner; he committed so many sins in church like adultery, steeling, doubting God and many others. He thought with his money and position in church he could hide his sins from every body, but he forgot he could not hide it from God. Death had to come his way and his life on earth was finished. He died in a car accident on his way to his job side. During his funeral service as the church and family members were about to say good bye before he was buried, Satan appeared and call the spirit of the man to rise up. When he rose up, he was surprised to see every one weeping and his body lying inside a coffin. He asked Satan who are you and what is happening here. Satan had to tell him he is dead and that it is time for him to go to hell. The man was surprised that he could go to hell after all he has done for the church and Christian in church. But Satan had to remind him of his bad and shameful deeds in church which he thought it was a very small sin and that God will understand that he has been helping his work. Satan went further to show him flashes of his sin and verses in the bible where God forbids his evil activities. Finally Satan took him to hell.

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