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He R*ped His Students | CHICHA BISSONG NGE FILMS 2023 FULL MOVIE #best #cameroon #movies #2023

"CHICHA BISSONG" is a story of the early-60s. A teacher (Chicha Bissong) comes back from an unknown place where he learned the English Language. It's believed that he wants to transmit his knowledge and exposure to the local people but that's not his objective. Watch the full movie to know his intentions. Directed by @Mysticfalls237 Produced by @mr.jocular3508 and @gimfilmz2668 Featuring @bemsimbomcemark2893 @hansdehtraveler7834 @esthertanguanang @Franco Anocke Kalu Mercy Emenyi Sandra Emma emmanuela Afah Joycie, etc #cameroon #film #cinema #africa #camera @KangQuintusFilms @SyndyEmadeOfficial @alennemenget7406 @agborgilbertebot5562 @Musingderick @RuthKadiri247 @NollywoodStreams @HollywoodLife @koc

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